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Select Poems

"The Diener"
"The Dirty Side of the Storm"
"The Water"
"Finishing Touch"

Finishing Touch

Ever since the painter depicted
Your finger extended to Your creature,

we have known we crave a surrogate touch.
We press others’ palms to our faces,

as if we were still being molded,
polished by an apprenticed love revising

our rougher destinies: Each hand found
more skillful than the last, each imprint closer

to Your transforming seal. I know this,
and still I have to ask for reprieve

in illusion, to linger in this present
flesh, believe in her finishing touch.

I want this hand:  its knowing strokes
inside my thighs where all portrayal begins.

Let this hand complete me for the stretch,
the soft edges of these fingers be the last

of earth I feel, let it be her own
hand—hers alone—that will close these eyes.